Client Stories
An organization needed to change the nature of its long-standing relationships with its stakeholders.
We designed and facilitated a highly participative and inclusive one-day meeting with 40+ stakeholders to provide them with an opportunity to participate in the change and transition process. We also wrote a summary report. The meeting and report provided the foundation for a collaborative process of respectfully working together to create new processes that continues.
A team of clinicians and non-clinicians had worked for several years to identify the metrics for a clinical specialty.
The team needed a summary of its work and recommendations to submit to its funder. We reviewed, analyzed and summarized the team’s multiple interim reports. Using our strategic planning, policy development and program evaluation knowledge plus our plain language writing and story-boarding skills, we wrote multiple drafts of the report to make the complex processes and contents readily accessible to busy clinicians and policy makers.
An interjurisdictional team had a mandate to develop a plan to promote regional economic growth and investment.
We used our facilitation skills to help the team achieve consensus, our project management skills to assist the team in meeting tight, inflexible deadlines, and our writing and editing expertise to create high quality documents that reflected "one voice."
A government agency needed to get a better understanding of a specific sector to develop new guidelines that would affect the sector.
We designed and facilitated 10 meetings across Ontario with stakeholders. Our approach helped break down stereotypes that the sector had about the agency. The consultation findings provided the basis for the organization to establish a productive, continuing relationship with the sector.
A government IT group in the education sector developed a boundary-breaking, highly innovative software program.
Their problem was that no one could understand the program’s scope and amazing potential for schools and their students without sitting at the computer and having a team member guide them through all the steps. Using our storyboarding and graphic facilitation skills, we conceptualized and created a short (under 10-minutes) slide presentation that made the program and its benefits easy for anyone to understand. We also helped the team write submissions to national and local IT awards programs. The program won multiple prestigious awards.
A scientist needed an easy-to-understand eLearning program on flood prevention and control for local community leaders.
We provided a plain language edit of the 100,000-word script and the slides for approximately 20 eLearning modules, and narrated the script.
A health sector Regulatory College needed a new clinical standard.
We designed and moderated focus groups and conducted key informant interviews with members and prepared a summary report that the College used in developing the standard.
A teaching hospital in the mental health sector needed a Code of Conduct that would apply to everyone – from physicians to volunteers.
We worked with an executive steering committee to develop the Code by conducting primary and secondary research; facilitating meetings to achieve consensus on content and wording; and writing many drafts, incorporating feedback, to achieve the final version.
A global manufacturing company wanted to strengthen its employee communications.
We conducted a comprehensive communications audit that looked at all the ways the company communicated internally. One of our recommendations resulted in a significant reduction in the number of internal meetings.